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Athens 2013

RMAF 2013: First Intermission

And now for something completely different. We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a breaking story (check back soon). I’d hoped to get this out before RMAF, but it didn’t happen, and with RMAF looking […]

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Athens 2013

Athens 2013: PMC, DPS Bauer, Leben

By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis Importer Solid Foundation has some impressive brands in his arsenal, including Kondo, Mactone and Blumenhofer but in this year’s show brought a system that was somewhere in the middle between real-life […]

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Athens 2013

Athens 2013: B&W, Classe

By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis It is yesterdays news the fact that B&W bought the Canadian Classe’ Audio and since then the two companies work side by side, trying to create the perfect speaker- electronics match. […]

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Athens 2013

The Athens AVshow 2013

–By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis I bet you all heard the news: Greece is facing a financial meltdown and the last couple of years have been an economical nightmare for most of us living down here. […]