Publishers Desk

Goodbye, Richard

Yesterday, I got word that my friend Richard Beers had passed away. Richard, as many of you know, was the showrunner for both T.H.E. Show in Newport and T.H.E. Show in Las Vegas. I wish […]

Publishers Desk

Chasing the absolute sound

Why do we do this? “Being an audiophile”, I mean. Fine, yes, it’s weird. Weird as a three-dollar-bill. Weird as Wicca. Yeah, weird. But I get that. People are weird. I mean the enterprise. Why audiophile. And not, say, […]

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Publishers Desk

Music, Mind and Meaning

About a million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the mega-continent, I was a PhD student at the University of Maryland, studying Philosophy. Yes, Philosophy. And no, I had no plans to open a “Philosophy and […]