Part-Time Audiophile has been online since 2009. We evolved from a one-man shop to a multi-faceted team, from a single site to a downloadable magazine, a #1 rated iTunes podcast, and a social media network of over 100,000 subscribers. What started as a personal journey in the world of high-end audio has become an outlet that reaches millions of readers a year in over 100 countries worldwide.

To help us do more and go farther, we sell ads. Most of our online ads are randomly assigned and rotate, which means not only novelty for the reader but an eye-popping amount of visibility for brands that work with us. If you’re looking for something a little different, we do that too — with support available for “audio show blackouts”, seasonal sponsors for our podcast, placements in our newsletter, and more.

We’re looking for interesting brands with vision, passion, and engaging creative — and what we’re offering is a very motivated audience and an accelerating platform with global aspirations.

When you’re ready for a rate card, drop a note to us here!