High End 2015

High End 2015: Questyle

“Current Mode Amplification” is a magical phrase that brings out the inner meerkat from the headphone enthusiast crowd, and will cause spontaneous synchronized head-swiveling. Only a couple of companies are pursuing this interesting approach to amplification […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: AudioQuest

Though there are quite a few pretenders, there are few true giants in high-end audio today. AudioQuest is one of those giants. There are, I think, two knee-jerk reactions that the “typical audiophile” will have […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Lyra

Weeks before the show I found myself chatting with Jonathan Carr, designer among other things of Lyra, a range of bespoke moving coil cartridges and we promised to discuss things when finally face to face […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Thöress and Sperling

Some would say that Reinhard Thöress of Thöress Audio makes high-end audio like it’s supposed to be made. Simple. Pure. Direct. Tubed. I’ve been a fan for years — I’ve owned his phono preamp for several […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Esoteric Audio Research

Winding up Tim de Paravicini isn’t difficult — just tell him he’s wrong. Doesn’t matter about what, the Engineer of Fine Audio is pretty much ready to go toe-to-toe with anyone over anything. I’m having […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: TAD Labs

TAD Labs brought a show-stopper room, featuring their new Compact Evolution One (CE-1) loudspeakers. This system was, in a word, dominating. The speakers, shown here in an olive finish, are elegant and quite robust — but […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Pendulumic

It happens periodically, where there will be this groundswell of resentment over pricing in high-end audio. As if the wallet of any individual were what was driving the price of any particular product. Instead of […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Vitus Audio

I’ve been using some Vitus Audio Reference electronics in my reference system for some time now, mainly on the recommendation of a friend and long-time dealer, Doug White at The Voice That Is. I’ve been […]