Marc Phillips to Take Over as Managing Editor of The Occasional

For immediate release

Marc Phillips, known in the high-end industry for both his writing and his role as an importer and distributor, has joined the editorial staff at Part-Time Audiophile.

Phillips will take over as Managing Editor of The Occasional, a magazine-style publication that focuses on the lives, hobbies, and diversions relevant to audiophiles. Readers can continue to expect to read about fine wine, Japenese whiskey, craft beer, hand-rolled cigars, automatic watches, vintage automobiles, men’s fashion, exotic locations, and more, all in full-page full-color glory—as well as all things high-end audio.

Phillips takes over for Rafe Arnott, who left the PTA family in May to become Editor at InnerFidelity and AudioStream. Contributing Editor John Stancavage was slated to fill Arnott’s leading role at The Occasional until his untimely passing in August.

Phillips has spent the last eight years partnering with Colleen Cardas to represent eight brands of high-end audio at Colleen Cardas Imports. Together, they built a network of audio dealers in the United States to sell Unison Research, Opera, PureAudio, Axisvoicebox, The Wand, Brigadiers Audio, Les Davis Audio, and REDGUM Audio.

Before his stint as a high-end importer, Phillips wrote for several publications including Ultimate Audio, AudioEnz, TONEAudio and Positive Feedback. He had several articles posted at Part-Time Audiophile over the past few years, mostly articles about the industry from the perspective of the business side. Since then, he has written several PTA columns about premium cigars (The Smoking Jacket) and music (The Deep End).

“I’m honored to follow in the footsteps of Rafe and John,” Phillips said from his home near Rochester, New York. “I want to adopt their brilliant vision and make The Occasional more than a magazine about audio—it should be a magazine about the lives of music lovers.”

“With The Occasional, we were looking for someone to not only capture the excitement that Rafe began (pretty much out of nothing) but to lead us to that next level,” said Publisher Scot Hull. “But John’s unexpected death caught us completely off guard and left us a bit adrift. We had not only lost a great friend and great collaborator, but we had also lost the hand that had taken the wheel at The Occasional. Finding someone capable and qualified to come in behind John and Rafe seemed an impossible task. Marc was like a gift. As one of our long-term contributors, he knows us, he gets us—he was uniquely positioned to move us quickly to our goal. His style and voice are exactly what PTA readers are looking for—he’s funny, he’s sharp, and he’s opinionated. Perhaps best of all, he’s got considerable experience on both sides of the industry. We’re lucky and grateful to have him!”

Marc Phillips, Scot Hull, and the rest of the Part-Time Audiophile team can be found wandering the halls at the upcoming RMAF 2018 show—stay tuned for that. If you see Marc, make sure to say hello and wish him well.

For more information, please Contact Us. For more information about “the team”, please visit our “Contributors” page.

About Scot Hull 1063 Articles
Scot started all this back in 2009. He is currently the Publisher here at PTA, the Publisher at The Occasional Magazine, and the Executive Producer at The Occasional Podcast. There are way too many words about him over on the Contributors page.

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