The Athens AVshow 2013


–By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis

I bet you all heard the news: Greece is facing a financial meltdown and the last couple of years have been an economical nightmare for most of us living down here. Despite that, the annual Athens AVshow will be taking place in its classic location, the Athenaum Intercontinental in the 11-13th of October as scheduled.


I realize that this sounds like a small miracle, that in the middle of the crisis, the local Hi Fi dealers found the courage (not to mention the money) to promote their equipment and give the local community of enthusiasts some time to listen to the latest gear for an entire three days.

Last year there were some 40 rooms packed with systems, records, demonstrations and music. Speaking with the organizers, I was assured that we will have even more exhibitors this year. Most of the rooms are set up by dealers and not manufacturers, probably the biggest difference between a regional show like this and say CES or Munich’s High End show. Personally, I prefer the most the “dealer’s show” because what you get is a more personal perspective, instead of sound-as-interpreted by [insert name a hifi brand]. Local importers account for 10 or more manufacturers, and it’s up to them, no excuses made, to tune up the show systems to their best by carefully selecting sources, electronics, speakers and cables. The potential is all there.

Editor’s Note: For those of you wondering, the Athens show will run concurrently with RMAF this year, which means coverage will most likely interleave. 

Buckle up! It’s gonna be quite a ride.