RMAF 2013: This is the End
Wow. What a show! Before anything else, a doff of the cap to the fine folks that put this paroxysm of audio joy together. Marjorie, what a way to celebrate 10 years! In case you […]
Wow. What a show! Before anything else, a doff of the cap to the fine folks that put this paroxysm of audio joy together. Marjorie, what a way to celebrate 10 years! In case you […]
This should hit a solid month after RMAF, and this time I wanted to say something about the “Best in Show.” Unfortunately, I didn’t see the whole show. The best I can do is talk […]
I don’t habitually do a “best in show” thing, especially when I know I haven’t actually had opportunity to listen to everything available. But RMAF is so dauntingly huge that I really want to take […]
In a case of absolutely brilliant positioning, the JH Audio booth at CanJam, sitting directly astride the entry, was easily one of the busiest destinations at RMAF — all weekend long. I passed this booth […]
Audio Arts‘ Gideon Schwartz had a room full of state of the art gear — as I reported live from RMAF last month. Here, I just wanted to share some of the … ahem … […]
Auralic was tucked into a corner at CanJam, and I nearly missed the table. Glad I didn’t! The Gemini series is a new desktop-friendly DAC/can-amp combo that features “trickle-down” tech from the excellent Vega product […]
Darren Censullo of Avatar Acoustics was showing off a whole suite of nifty widgets from budget-minded iFi Audio. He had the entire lineup, stacked, which made for a rather interesting presentation — but the sound […]
HiFi Man HiFi Man had the awesomest corner at CanJam — it was totally like walking into a candy store. I’ll have one of those and one of those and one of those …. I […]
High Fidelity Services of Braintree, Mass. imports a ton of stuff. So much stuff, in fact, that they had two rooms set up to display everything. Their larger room, filled with Audia Flight electronics and […]
The GR Research LS-X loudspeakers ($39,000) offered big, beautiful sound, and the included integrated subwoofer towers insured that there was no lack of bass. The dB Labs Evolution DAC ($2,395) and dB Audio Revolution media […]
I covered the Odyssey Audio room for The Absolute Sound, so I won’t repeat here other than to say “I’m flabbergasted at how good this room sounded.” Full system, including cables, for $6,700. This is […]
Astell&Kern makes some damn fine “digital audio players”, aka DAPs. This is a weird little corner-case of a market niche, in a way, what with the dominance of Apple’s iDevices pretty much blotting out the […]
Welcome to another grab bag post, the second in my continuing effort to save the people who wouldn’t remember me if they stepped on me the indignity of having to take anything I say seriously.
Reinhard Goerner, who represents Acoustic Signature, Trigon Elektronik, the Funk Firm, and Audio Physic was riding herd on two rooms in the Atrium. My favorite of the two featured products from every one of those […]
Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen was all smiles on Saturday, and with good reason: things were sounding sweet! The combination of Acoustic Zen loudspeakers and Triode Corp amplification is always a treat, and it was sounding especially […]
Nola‘s Metro Grand Reference Gold loudspeakers ($33,000) were sounding possibly the best I’ve yet heard from a Nola system, backed by a full complement of Audio Research gear: the Reference 75 amplifier ($9,000), Reference 10 […]
The Merrill Audio/Channel D system was a grand marriage of digital and analog. The analog source was an AMG Viella V12 with AMG tonearm ($18,000) and Ortofon Cadenza Bronze MC cartridge ($2,199). The phono preamp […]
In the Gingko Audio room, I got a chance to listen again to the combination of Wells Audio’s Inamorata ($6,500) and Gingko Audio’s ClaraVu 7 modular speakers. These speakers consist of monitors ($3995/pair) that can […]
Hegel Audio was on hand to premier the brand new H80 integrated amplifier/DAC ($2,000), the replacement for the H70. The H80 offers some significant improvements over its predecessor, with more digital inputs, more power (75W […]
The individual components in this room were all heroes in their own right. Joseph Audio’s Pearl 3 loudspeakers ($31,500) fronted a system comprised of Jeff Rowland‘s 825 power amp ($32,000) and Capri preamp with phono […]
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