CAF12: Wild Cards, Grab Bags, and The Everything Else
I love audio shows! It’s like getting to spend an entire weekend at every audio dealership in your corner of the country — all at once. Everyone is (usually) friendly, no one yells at you […]
I love audio shows! It’s like getting to spend an entire weekend at every audio dealership in your corner of the country — all at once. Everyone is (usually) friendly, no one yells at you […]
Is it just me, or is there this tension between “great sounding gear” and “gear that’s just awesome”? For example, I love what TIDAL Audio is doing. From the electronics to the speakers, this brand […]
The second Volti room featured a brand new loudspeaker from Greg Roberts, the Veretta. This is a pretty one. A bit of a departure for Volti, the Veretta is a “wide-bander” instead of a multi-way […]
There’s nothing like a Joseph Audio demo to make me feel like Clarence Thomas. I mean, I know I ought to recuse myself, but I just won’t do it. Fact is, I’m a Joseph fan […]
First, a confession. My wife is a reality TV aficionado. She loves her some reality TV. She was all over Survivor when it first aired — and every season thereafter. She was all over Housewives, […]
I think it’s pretty much taken as read that there are lots of different kinds of people that get sucked into audio’s high-end. One of the more curious, but still fairly random, distinctions you can […]
If I stop with “The world is full of things”, I can make out like I’m some kind of philosopher. Maybe a Vienna Circle dude, overthrowing the “metaphysical excesses” of the 19th century. I’m thinking: […]
This past Spring, I found myself tramping all over Manhattan with Jeff Joseph. We were in search of something more interesting than an over priced buffet at the Waldorf — I’m sure it was very […]
“You need big speakers to make big sound.” I’m sure someone said that once, somewhere, but I’m not going to bother looking it up. I said it, and that should be enough for you! Ahem. […]
I am not an envious man, by nature. I’m pretty sanguine about my ability to play in audio’s high-end and what funds I’ve been able to wield to the betterment of my audio system. No, […]
I first met Gary Dews, the man behind Border Patrol, almost exactly 3 years ago at the first Capital Audiofest. I was cruising the show, my first, with my then 3 year old twins in […]
Things change. Seasons turn. The old makes way for the new. This is the way of things. It’s exciting. It’s sad. It’s inescapable. It’s life. Not too many years ago, my mother passed away. It […]
Expectation bias is pretty much just what it sounds like — it’s the predisposition of a human being to judge incoming data in light of prior experiences, data, and beliefs. This is a universal issue […]
Have you ever walked into a room, had the music suddenly stop, all conversation cease, and everyone’s head swivel around to stare at you as if they were all Children of the Damned? If so, […]
United Home Audio had two systems setup in the large, mostly square room. The first was anchored firmly in MBL’s product line, something local dealer Greg Beron of United Home Audio really likes to show […]
Well, things are winding down now, at least for me. It’s been a couple of weeks since the doors closed on the Capital Audiofest for 2012, and since I’m not planning to head out to […]
Enjoy The Music has posted the third and final part of my fly-over coverage of the Capital Audiofest! Thanks to Steven Rochlin, Gary Gill and the CAF Crew, to all of the readers I got […]
A great write up from Dr. Larry over at Dagogo, covering the Capital Audiofest in some detail. Nice pictures, too! All in all, very nicely done.
One of the things I liked best at CAF this year was the easy access to live music. I kinda wish more shows would arrange more of this — like, pretty much a constant, revolving, […]
Found — and listened to — an early version of the Audez’e LCD2 headphones hanging out with Woo Audio at Capital Audiofest. Great sounding cans.
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