RMAF 2018: Darryl’s View
by Darryl Lindberg RMAF Intro Let’s get this out of the way right now: I love the Rocky Mountain Audio Festival. I’ve made the trek every year and I’ve never thought, “maybe next year I’ll […]
by Darryl Lindberg RMAF Intro Let’s get this out of the way right now: I love the Rocky Mountain Audio Festival. I’ve made the trek every year and I’ve never thought, “maybe next year I’ll […]
I’ve been coming to RMAF almost from the beginning. Some 14 years later, the show news is that they are moving to the giant Gaylord resort near the Denver airport. This should be exciting but […]
What a system this was! Clarity, huge dynamics, genuinely involving sound. I hit this room three times. It was that good. Elliot Goldman had brought all his top gear. Okay, honestly he stacked the deck…or […]
As usual at Rocky Mountain, the CanJam area was full of energy. I went down there to cover the latest from Pro-Ject before hitting their room in the tower. It’s a shame I don’t have […]
It seems like every time I run into Anthony Chiarella, good sound is present. Brinkmann Audio turntables at the HiFiBuys event in Atlanta? Good sound. EgglestonWorks speakers with a full Brinkmann stack in Denver? Good sound. […]
It’s possible that I’m a sucker for new gear that has that vintage appeal. Which may be why the Dragon Inspire IHA-1 Tube Headphone Amplifier is so appealing. It also might have to do with […]
I haven’t attended a high-end audio show as a member of the press in nearly a decade, and I’ve never done a “wrap-up” before, so this will be both an honor and a stroll into […]
With only a few hours left on Sunday, the final day of the last Rocky Mountain Audio Fest to be held at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, I become sentimental. I decide to take a […]
ListenUp has really built up their presence in the Mountain Time Zone over the last few years—the audio/video dealer now has four locations in Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs and Albuquerque. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that […]
Chris Sommovigo of Stereolab, which makes the Black Cat line of cables, had a table near CanJam showing off his latest affordable cables named Coppertone. I’ve been impressed with Chris’ designs in the past and […]
I’ve known the folks at Fidelis Music Systems in Nashua, New Hampshire for many years. Not only were they one of my top dealers when I was a distributor but they also distribute, in turn, […]
I caught up to Purist Audio Design‘s Jim Aud at RMAF, where the music flowed like water and the dynamics made the angels weep. This was a great room. Of course, this was also a Classic Audio Loudspeaker […]
I closed my eyes. A strange but familiar world of percussion and bass beats opened up in my imagination across a vast soundstage. I forgot about my exhaustion from a full day of walking the […]
I was enthusiastic about checking out the Audioquest room at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. Just a few months ago I met Audioquest’s Bill Low when he strolled into one of my dealer’s stores […]
My first hands-on experience with Raidho Acoustics’ loudspeakers occurred a few years ago, when I was pulled into an exhibit room to listen to a new digital technology. I can’t even remember what that product […]
Lucien Pichette of the Jeff Rowland Design Group is an old friend of ours. He grew up in Montrose, Colorado, where Colleen and I lived for a few years, and I used to drive past […]
I’m a huge fan of the LS3/5a…are you? If so, you probably know all about Falcon Acoustics, the only manufacturer licensed by the BBC who is continuing to produce the original 15 ohm LS3/5a design […]
Troy Audio was presenting at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and just like last year, they had great success in keeping their exhibit room as one of the most visited, and well regarded. The Story […]
Bob Sattin is one of those guys I always see at the shows, but I’ve never really introduced myself to him. That’s a bit ridiculous, considering that I’ve been calling myself the Vinyl Anachronist for […]
The Very Definition of POSH Naming a speaker POSH? This would all seem silly if the system in the Gershman Acoustics room didn’t offer a luxurious and exceptional sound. Ofra and Eli Gershman were showing […]
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