AXPONA 2015: BorderPatrol, Take Two

  Josh already spilled his enthusiasm all over the floor about the big room featuring Volti Audio‘s speakers. Nobody should be surprised by this. I suspect that the sound in that room represented the Platonic […]


AXPONA 2015: Sonus Faber

By John Stancavage What is tall, stealthy, prefers the cover of darkness, makes incredible sounds and is rarely seen in the wild? If you guessed a certain bipedal hominoid that’s the subject of so many […]


AXPONA 2015: Wells Audio

By Josh Emmons Truth be told, I am not deep enough into this whole high-end audio game to reliably tease out attributes from the front-end of a system. Yet even I have two things I […]


AXPONA 2015: Calyx Audio

by Joshua Emmons Calyx Audio is a South Korean manufacturer that produces an array of digital processors and amps for home audio enthusiasts. But at AXPONA, they were all about portables. Calyx M The Calyx […]


AXPONA 2015: Noble Audio

by Joshua Emmons I don’t envy Noble Audio in their crusade to convert the world to IEMs. First, people intuitively believe big sound comes from big drivers, and unless you’re doing it wrong, IEMs will […]


AXPONA 2015: Woo Audio

by Joshua Emmons If you walk into a room at AXPONA, and it’s noticeably 3–4 degrees warmer than the hallway, you know it’s chock full of really tasty amplifiers. So it is with Woo Audio: […]


AXPONA 2015: Madisound

When it comes to show coverage, the worst ordeal isn’t the airline travel. It isn’t the lumpy hotel bed, or the long hours, the lack of sleep, or the series of crippling hangovers. The biggest […]


AXPONA 2015: Benchmark

I spent last year being embarrassingly over-impressed with Benchmark‘s gear without ever remembering to use any of my own demo music. Fortunately, AXPONA presented me with my first chance to sit down and listen to […]


AXPONA 2015: On a mission from God

The AXPONA Audio Con started out as a bit of a logistical challenge for The Audio Traveler crew this year. Non-audio responsibilities kept our publisher, Scot Hull, away from the show at the same time […]