Florida 2019: Lee’s Best of Show
Wow. What a great beginning for a much-needed, in my opinion, regional Florida-based show. The weather was great, the sound was great, the people were great, the food and drinks were great. Tampa in February? […]
Wow. What a great beginning for a much-needed, in my opinion, regional Florida-based show. The weather was great, the sound was great, the people were great, the food and drinks were great. Tampa in February? […]
To wrap things up, I think the major question of the show was answered. If the Florida Audio Expo was indeed an experiment, I think the results have given us a proof of concept. Attendance […]
We often talk about best-in-show systems or components. Seldom do we ever distill our show going experience down to a best-in-show moment. There in Florida, with Doshi Audio and Joseph Audio in control, I had […]
When Paradigm’s Persona series of speakers first launched a few years ago, I ran (well, drove) to my nearest dealer to hear them. When I arrived, it was also the day that the Persona’s 5F […]
Dynamic Sound Associates (DSA) and Analogue Productions hosted a two room exhibition of high-quality vinyl pressings, along with award winning systems. DSA always impresses, no matter the show or venue, and this time at the […]
Play It Again Audio was showing a system curated from their large inventory of pre-owned high-end audio equipment. Resolution Acoustics was showing us how a well assembled system of acoustic room treatments could take a […]
Soundfield Audio is their founder and lead creative mind, Ammar Jadusingh, also known as “AJ”. He has been designing and building loudspeakers since the early days of his electrical engineering career. Ammar’s ardent study in […]
Suncoast Audio had another fantastic-sounding room nearby on the seventh floor and Peter Mackay was on hand playing some righteous digital through the A3s. The Magico A3s ($12K) have been an unqualified success for the […]
One of the best things I took away from the Florida show was a little science experiment that came out of a meet-up with Grant Samuelson from Shunyata Research. Several times in audio forums in […]
If you were lucky, in-the-know, or possibly even lost at the show, you might have stumbled upon Michael Chafee Enterprises‘ absolute stunner of an exhibition room at the Florida Audio Expo. Generally it’s the system […]
Shortly after the opening of New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a rumor started circulating around the city that the bridge was in fact unstable and likely to collapse. To prove the engineering marvel was indeed safe […]
Pro-Ject was on site demonstrating the EISA-award-winning combination of Roon-enabled network endpoint (StreamBox S2 Ultra) and MQA capable DAC (PreBox S2 Digital) with two sets on hand for listening. In addition to the streaming and […]
Tortuga Audio Products brought forth one of the most interesting loudspeakers of the show — the LoggerHead, a 2.8 cubic foot two-way ported speakers sans internal passive crossovers. The loudspeakers do require external crossovers and […]
Sometimes the most affordable systems are the most fun. A good case in point was the tiny speakers with subwoofers from Nola Speakers called the Brio Quattro. This system was producing an impossibly big sound […]
RJS Acoustics brought the MD6 Bass Augmentation Speaker System, Backert Labs showed their new Rhumba Extreme 1.3 tube preamplifier, Pass Labs brings the power, and Luminous Audio Technology ties it all together. The Story Starting […]
I love me some Bill Evans jazz so this was a really fun room. Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs is putting out a “One Step” album of his Portrait in Jazz and they had for us […]
Yikes…I was six minutes late to the room. Keith from The Audio Company had mentioned a seminar late in the day on Saturday and it sounded interesting but I was too busy covering other rooms […]
The Ryan speakers were humming along nicely in Room 511 with Auralic electronics and Cardas Clear cabling. Trevor Ryan always has a very good room and this was yet another outstanding display of two-way monitor […]
I’ve been digging into MQA for a follow-up article so I met up with Ken Forsythe, Sue Toscano, and their friend Angela Speziale who I just met at the Tampa show. Sue and Angela wound […]
Antal Audio Group assembles a global cornucopia of sound, Triangle Speakers stays true to its high-end sound however not its cost, Soulines spins the grooves, and Tsakiridis Devices stuns us with extremely good value. The […]
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