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A day at Axpona 2011: Sanders Sound

The all-Sanders room was a nice treat. Apparently, whatever the LSA Group had caught wasn’t in evidence here in ESL preserve that was the Sanders Sound room. They had their big 10c panels on display […]

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A day at Axpona 2011: LSA Group

I first heard the LSA 1 Statement monitors at RMAF and flipped for them. Then, like here, they showed with the LSA Statement Integrated. Unlike then, the monitors didn’t shine quite as brightly as they […]

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A day at Axpona 2011: Avatar Acoustics

The Avatar Acoustics room was my favorite room at Axpona this year and tied for “Best Sound”. The system produced a lovely, warm, enveloping sound stage that I thoroughly enjoyed rolling around in. Or maybe […]

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Axpona 2011

Well, it seems I qualify as “press”. Who knew? I’m all set for my one-day whirlwind into Axpona this year. Not sure how much I can do in a single day, but I have high […]