The State of Streaming Audio
After completing Saturday — day two of Audio Advice LIVE 2022 — and another night of partying, this time till sunrise, Jameson Mourafetis and myself decided to skip sleep and breakfast, and head directly to Sunday’s 10:00 am show opener. Again, shoutout to Le Labo Soap!
Reporting by Eric Franklin Shook
We found Michael Fremer in the lobby that Sunday morning, himself just getting in from a late night of vinyl laden debauchery.
Though he protested adamantly, Jameson and I were able to overpower Fremer physically and “persuade” him in joining us at the morning’s digital event. A few show attendees took notice of all the kicking and kvetching, but themselves resigned to the fact that it was what’s best for Michael.
With Michael Fremer of The Tracking Angle at the back of the room having absolutely none of it, five brave souls took the stage: David Solomon of Qobuz, Tom Graham of Focal Naim America, Blake Hartigan of Roon Labs, and Chris Connaker of Audiophile Style, and Jonathan Derda of Mofi Distribution.
Hosting the panel discussion titled “The State of Streaming Audio“, would be none other than our new favourite guy (move over Elon), Audio Advice CEO, Scott Newnam.
Watch The Video