Monthly Spins: June 2019
I guess you could call my quest for new music an obsession. I’ve had it since I was ten and often feel transported outside of myself by certain albums. It is a never ending quest […]
I guess you could call my quest for new music an obsession. I’ve had it since I was ten and often feel transported outside of myself by certain albums. It is a never ending quest […]
With the Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition in your room, chances are high you will tend to let irrelevancies slide. Like food, water, and personal hygiene. Because you will have more important things to attend to. […]
Lone Mountain Audio is the US distributor for ATC loudspeakers, that classic UK brand that goes against the whole BBC monitor image by making powerful-sounding transducers that are known for both accuracy and a power-hungry […]
Aaudio Imports is the North American distributor for such fantastic lines as Ypsilon and Wilson Benesch, and their room at T.H.E. Show 2019 was positively purple. It sounded wonderful, yes, but I remember it being […]
The Matt Skellenger Group sounds like no other jazz ensemble I’ve heard, and for a couple of reasons. First, the choice of instruments here is truly novel, which gives this music an otherworldly feel that’s […]
LOS ANGELES (PTA) — Wells Audio is at its best when bringing out the big power, top-tier refinement, and tubes. Along with that, we get a preview of Wells’ new working-title “Dragon” tube DAC, and […]
I went almost thirty years without traveling back to the Philadelphia area where I once lived, but now thanks to Doug White and The Voice That Is! I’ve been there twice this month. Just three […]
I first reported on the Arion Audio Apollo System at last year’s Capital Audiofest, when I had to be careful not to go into too much detail on the company’s proprietary technologies. While the Apollo […]
LOS ANGELES (PTA) — Dragonfire Acoustics, along with Woo Audio, MAGLEV Audio, and Tweak Studio show off a diminutive sized, but powerful sounding DFA 2.1 loudspeaker system. The Story The Dragonfire Acoustics (DFA) 2.1 loudspeaker […]
What kind of music do you play when you’re looking for a little romance? When I was much younger, my choice was usually The Beatles because if you didn’t like them, well, there’s the door. […]
Alex Siufy of Alma Music and Audio in San Diego had a very strong presence at T.H.E. Show 2019 with multiple exhibit rooms. I previously mentioned how wonderful the latest generation of Wilson Audio loudspeakers […]
“The first time I heard Shirley Horn sing, I fell in love with her groove and her elegance…I always carry her sound in my heart.” Coniece Washington is one of those jazz singers who can […]
I last lived in Southern California in 2007, and it seems like there are so many new high-end audio stores that have cropped up in the LA area since I left–which is good news for […]
Blues guitarist and singer Ric Harris has one of those gruff, weather-beaten voices that exemplify the genre. He sounds like he’s been on the road forever and a day, and that it probably takes him […]
Pianist Joanna Duda’s Keen (CD on Amazon) is described as “an electro-acoustic collage composed of long-maturing layers of prepared acoustics,” and that might prepare you somewhat for the sounds you are about to hear. I went […]
Walking into the mbl loudspeakers room at T.H.E. Show 2019 did bring back a lot of memories, back to the days when I first started exhibiting at high-end audio shows with Colleen Cardas for our […]
There’s a common theme among the last few jazz reviews I’ve written, and that’s geography–Peter Lin‘s Taiwan, Tuomo Uusitalo’s Finland, Marton Juhasz’s Hungary and Aikra Tana’s Japan. Guitarist Luca di Luzio isn’t shy about discussing […]
I’ve known Peter Noerbaek of PBN Audio forever–he’s one of those guys I see at audio shows and I always find time to stop and talk to him because we’re both vinyl guys, and I […]
If you’ve been reading my stuff for a while, especially the original Vinyl Anachronist column for Perfect Sound Forever, you probably know of my fondness for Gene Rubin of Gene Rubin Audio in Ventura, California. […]
LOS ANGELES (PTA) — This year’s CanJam SoCal 2019 is bigger, better, and already on track to be the most newsworthy yet. There are over 1,000,000 brands exhibiting here at the Marriott Irvine — okay, […]
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