dCS Bartok DAC, Part One | REVIEW
Every once and a while, a product will turn up at the house for review that is so special, it changes what I understand to be possible for an audio component. And let’s face it; […]
Every once and a while, a product will turn up at the house for review that is so special, it changes what I understand to be possible for an audio component. And let’s face it; […]
I’ve been a long-time Audio Research fan. As part of my research on the brand, I came to know Livio Cucuzza, their designer, through a cyber friendship and also by his sublime design work of […]
Where did that instrument come from? The soundstage is huge and background dead quiet. That instrument just popped out of nowhere. Wow, that is spooky real. The timbre is dead on. I don’t understand a […]
Two familiar brands I saw at Munich were Eggleston Works and Doshi Audio. Nick Doshi popped in for a day but I completely missed him. I had better luck with Jim Thompson from Eggleston. Jim […]
One of the things that stood out about Munich was the absolute beauty of select gear. We saw breathtaking speaker quality in John DeVore‘s O/Reference line; we saw amazing Forte turntables from EAT; and we […]
This was not a good day. Immigration officials in Cuba had brought an American and two Canadians in for questioning. Their paperwork was not in order. Rules had been broken. They had been doing work […]
Jennifer Warnes, Another Time, Another Place: One of the great things about going to shows is discovering new music. Lately, I just have happened to be buying a lot of albums from the Impex label. Some […]
Several sharp people told me to visit the dCS room and I finally got around to it by Sunday. The Wilson Audio Sasha DAW speakers usually sound great. D’Agostino amplifiers usually sound great. dCS DACs […]
So it’s finally here! A bucket list item. The big, global audio show. Numero Uno. Hi-End Munich 2019. And boy do we have the dream team from Part-Time Audio here! Dr. Pan, our European editor […]
Let’s face it. You need to read all the Best of Show articles to get a real sense of AXPONA. The reason is that AXPONA has become a HUGE show. Mere mortals cannot cover the […]
Paragon Sight & Sound had a second room that kind of caught me off guard. Rogers High Fidelity electronics were featured with Wilson Audio Alexia 2s ($57,900). Here’s the cool part. Everything was red! Paragon […]
Quintessence Audio makes up half of the floor space under the escalators at AXPONA, opposite two rooms which Paragon takes, both in a prime space. Usually they have three great rooms and this year was […]
Two weeks ago, I posted a comment on facebook around the idea that now that the LP has (thankfully) re-emerged, the sound of CD is surprising some people. This got a lot of comments and […]
Visit any audio show and you will see lots of Aurender music servers in dozens of listening rooms. Before I got further into streaming, I honestly did not pay much attention. But at this show, […]
About three years ago, I attended a fabulous demo with Peter McGrath in a room with a humble T+A integrated amplifier. The speakers were the $109,000 Wilson Audio Alexx, fairly large towers. Yet the humble […]
I’ve been telling folks for about 12 months what an excellent emerging brand Børresen is. At AXPONA we were finally able to hear the flagship speaker, the Borresen 05. It was worth the wait. Michael […]
Let’s set the stage for this second show report from Axpona; this show was fantastic and overwhelming at the same time. Indeed, Part-Time Audiophile had five (!) writers there and I don’t believe any of […]
Not too many miles down the street from me in the Atlanta burbs lives David Solomon, one of the nicest guys in audio. Lately, however, I am starting to see how he may be one […]
Wow. What a great beginning for a much-needed, in my opinion, regional Florida-based show. The weather was great, the sound was great, the people were great, the food and drinks were great. Tampa in February? […]
Over the years, I have had the privilege of hearing some of the best power conditioners out there. My view on the topic is simple: a good power conditioner is the ultimate “three-for” for audiophiles […]
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