The Audiophile Socialites | RMAF 2019


DENVER (PTA) — Everything I love about audio shows seldom has to do with audio. As for the Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest 2019 in Denver, it has proven itself to be one of the most exciting and busiest shows in America. RMAF 2019 pulled in a large crowd of industry partners and hobbyists from around the globe.

From sunrise to sunset, and those dark hours in between, this festival of sound is equal parts “High-End Audio Show” and “Dining Club.” Invigorating and inspiring, it is the people of the audio-show-circuit that keep me coming back for more.

Sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019 coverage sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V

The Photo Tour

by Eric Franklin Shook™

Sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019 coverage sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V


1 Comment

  1. good to see a mix of color and bw photos, unlike another mag that went full on bw pretensciousness.

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  1. The Socialphile Socialites | RMAF 2019 – Hi-Fi News Italia

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