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Santa Luxman Comes to DC

Philip O’Hanlon is the President/CEO of On a Higher Note, a high-end audio distributor, and this weekend, he came by to spend a day with the folks of Command Performance A/V of Falls Church, VA. […]

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New Cartridge!

The Ortofon Cadenza Black is now on the table and breaking in. So far, the sound is worthy of a lacquered string of superlatives hung around the neck of an exclamation point. More on that […]

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Publishers Desk

Audio Dollars and Sense

Here Be Dragons Last Christmas day, there was an interesting thread on Computer Audiophile that set me back a bit. In that thread, on LessLoss’ new Blackbody products, which I was thoroughly dissing, I brought […]

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End Of Line

Well, folks, the decision is made. I’m heading out on Monday to get a new MacBook Pro to use as a dedicated music server. It’ll be a 13″ model, which should get me all the […]

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Turntable 101

There are a lot of industry folks current wringing hands and gnashing teeth over the state of the audio marketplace. The only new customers are old. Apple’s iPod & iTunes are killing the hifi. Kids […]

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A new cartridge on the horizon

If I were Croesus, I would certainly still have problems. But one of the problems I wouldn’t have is prioritizing upgrades. This annoying/handy little exercise has led me to believe that the first analog upgrade […]

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A Digital Savior?

As I might have mentioned, I have a not-quite decrepit 2003 Apple Power Mac G5. It’s a big, aluminum beast. I’ve got the OS running off a small 30GB SSD drive and everything of interest […]

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Publishers Desk


Well, TweekGeek is getting a shipment of the latest batch of M2Tech EVO’s in some time in the next week or so, and my new converter will be amongst them. Man, I hope it doesn’t […]

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Going vinyl

When I was a kid, my big brother used to sell me his LPs. Not so much that I could have them and keep them — he’d do that, of course, as he had the […]