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RMAF 2011: Luxman, Vivid

On A Higher Note’s Philip O’Hanlon, a kind Irish gent with the impeccable taste in music and the uncommonly good sense to proclaim my amateurish efforts on this blog to be “no where in the […]

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RMAF 2011: Ayon and Lumenwhite

Now, please remember when you read the following characterization that I was working off a huge Delta Airlines induced deficit, okay? I wasn’t at my best. I was, in point of fact, still drinking my […]

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RMAF 2011: Classic Audio & Stahl-Tek

I love the look of the big Classics, though I suspect my wife would be less thrilled. Big, burled, robust – and Classic Audio’s $25k T-3.4 Project practically screams ‘upscale’ and ‘vintage’ to me. However […]

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RMAF 2011: It’s a wrap!

Well, the show is over. I’m home. The house is still here, the kids still remember me and my wife is still talking to me. Success! Speaking of success, I’ve uploaded well over 500 photos […]

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Mid-show at RMAF 2011

Well, as you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t posted a single thing on here since the show started. Which means either one of two things: one, I haven’t done any writing since I’ve been here; or […]

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RMAF 2011: Seminars Posted

Looks like the seminar schedule for RMAF has firmed up a bit. At this point, I’m planning on hitting “The Future of High-Resolution Computer-Based Audio” on Saturday at 4pm. The panel lineup looks interesting: Gus […]