New York Audio Show 2013: Part 1

Part 1 of the New York Audio Show coverage is now online over at The Absolute Sound. Hit the graphic for the link!

I’ll have some more coming soon, with lots of pictures!


  1. Not wanting to slur your new employer or anything but I’d rather they had adopted your look rather than you adopting their, significantly lower quality and old fashioned one.

  2. I think a lot of times people believe what they are told, like rumors running rampant about NYC. I grew up in the NJ suburbs and that was kind of the way it was… NYC is bad. But living in Queens and West New York and going into Manhattan all the time you realize what a great, open arms city it is. All kinds of people, races, creeds, attitudes… one of the healthiest things about NYC. It opens you up to new things, also the things you deal with daily.. but the pace is not for everyone 4 sure.

  3. So tell us how you REALY feel about Manhattan 🙂



    From: Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile Reply-To: Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile Date: Thursday, April 18, 2013 3:55 PM To: Bryan Stanton Subject: [New post] New York Audio Show 2013: Part 1 Part-Time Audiophile posted: “Part 1 of the New York Audio Show coverage is now online over at The Absolute Sound. Hit the graphic for the link! I’ll have some more coming soon, with lots of pictures!”

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