Just Audio and the Wharfedale Linton | FLAX 2023
The Just Audio room was mixed in with the multiple MoFi Distribution rooms on the sixth floor at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo, so I thought this was another MoFi room due to the presence […]
The Just Audio room was mixed in with the multiple MoFi Distribution rooms on the sixth floor at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo, so I thought this was another MoFi room due to the presence […]
At some point during the 2023 Florida Audio Expo, Scot Hull asked me if I had visited the Fine Sounds Americas room. I’d noticed it during my wanderings, but I didn’t go in right away. […]
The 2023 Florida Audio Expo was the destination where I, your humble narrator, got to finally hear some of the brands and products that have had the other PTA writers swooning over the last year. […]
I’ve just completed four whole reviews of the gear I received from Audio Group Denmark. The last, which covers all of the Ansuz cables and accessories, should appear as soon as we wrap up our […]
The biggest surprise at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo shouldn’t have been a surprise at all. But the debut of the new flagship Acora Acoustics VRC-1 loudspeakers seemed to tower above all else at FLAX, […]
I’m going to tell you my favorite discovery during the 2023 Florida Audio Show, the single new product that excites me the most. It’s the EMT 928 II turntable, brought to the United States by […]
I’ve had my eye on those Aretai Contra 100S two-way monitors ($9,000/pr USD) ever since I auditioned them at AXPONA last April and Munich last May. These are distinctive two-way monitors from Latvia that use […]
“We are getting the band back together.” If you know the movie that quote references, then you probably are an audiophile of a certain age. Well, me and the band did get back together this weekend, […]
I had at least two people tell me, just prior to the 2023 Florida Audio Expo, that MoFi Distribution‘s Jonathan Derda want me to stop by his room because he had a two-way speaker he […]
The Computer Audio Design (CAD) and Egglestonworks room at FLAX was a very pleasant surprise for me since I wasn’t super-familiar with the kit being presented there. It’s always a treat to be exposed to […]
The Acoustic Energy and Fidelity Imports room at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo reminds me that we all love the cost-no-object rooms at these events. They dazzle and show what is possible. When we all […]
I try to make a trip to the MBL room at audio shows whenever possible. Thankfully, the German company makes the rounds with some frequency thanks to US representative Jeremy Bryan at the helm of […]
You know when’s the best time to visit a room during a high-end audio show? Sunday morning, right when the show opens at ten in the morning or so. It’s quiet, the crowds are non-existent […]
There are many things one might expect at a high-end audio show. Fancy systems that cost as much as a pair of Ferraris. Older men. Demos featuring “Keith Don’t Go”. And the Teenage Mutant Ninja […]
I have admired the lightning quick response of Audeze‘s planar magnetic drivers for many years now. While not the only headphone maker in the space, they were one of the firsts to jump into the […]
My FLAX Saturday Highlights are more about people than gear, and I was pleased to finally connect with industry stalwarts such as Philip O’Hanlon of On a Higher Note. For years people have been telling […]
Florida in February always sounds like a good idea–on paper. But as soon as I landed in Tampa with high humidity and temperature in the mid ’80s, I remembered why I moved to the Pacific […]
Thursday night at the Florida Audio Expo was a great chance to catch up with industry folks and reconnect with colleagues that we haven’t seen in a while, some in many years. There was a […]
Oh no he didn’t. “Ratchets” by Hedegaard. With 121dB peaks. At an audio show. During listening hours. Folks, this just is not done. People were fleeing the area. Plaster was literally falling from the ceiling. And, […]
It’s time. After a long, cruel, and absolutely brutal winter in Northern Illinois, being back in Tampa is something of a relief. A life-saving retreat. I may be exaggerating. Northern Illinois winters are famous for […]
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