CES 2013: Tri-Art
I am a fan of Darren & Bonnie’s (Avatar Acoustics) rooms. Lemme tell you, they put on a full-package deal, from the heated Himalayan rock-salt lamps, to the aroma therapy candles, and the sultry tunes. […]
I am a fan of Darren & Bonnie’s (Avatar Acoustics) rooms. Lemme tell you, they put on a full-package deal, from the heated Himalayan rock-salt lamps, to the aroma therapy candles, and the sultry tunes. […]
The guys at Peachtree have big, clanky, brassy ones. Seriously. Anyone who routinely puts their prospective customers through a demo that showcases their top of the line $4,499 integrated amplifier into a pair of $23,000 […]
Anyone else have a tube fetish, or is it just me? I mean, aside from Kevin Hayes of VAC. He’s clearly lovin’ hisself some thermionic goodness. Mmm hmmm! Kevin’s one of those fixtures at audio […]
Sony introduced (formally) the loudspeakers they previewed at RMAF last fall, now called by the helpfully descriptive name: SS-NA2ES. Offered at $10,000/pair, the 3-way 6-driver bass reflex floor-stander has a rather odd (to me, anyway) […]
I caught up with John DeVore of DeVore Fidelity at CES in a room assembled by Eugene HiFi, and was treated to a shot of bourbon and a too-short window in which to sit and […]
Scaena makes line array loudspeakers in an oft-lamented finish that is the absolute devil to photograph properly. They use this oil-on-water/pearlescent sheen that is delightful to look at, and maybe even touch — though I’ve […]
Gideon Schwartz of Audio Arts in New York has a way of capturing my imagination — and attention — at audio shows of late. His new store features a host of very interesting brands, including […]
The Evidence Platinum from Dynaudio is … big. It’s also chock full of technology. So much so, that you could write a book about it. I know this because someone already did. I’m holding it […]
MSB has been not-so-quietly making inroads as making, perhaps, the most technologically advanced — and best sounding — DACs you can buy today. The Diamond DAC, which can run over $40,000 when configured with all […]
Everyone roots for the home team, don’t they? Well, Baltimore’s Polk Audio would be my home team. Go Polk! Introduced at CES this year was a suite of products sweeping into their entry-level TSx line. […]
Marten makes some monster loudspeakers, this is known. The newest offering in their top-of-their-line Coltrane lineup is the Coltrane Tenor, and like the rest of the loudspeakers in this line, it is replete with — […]
The products that Mola Mola is bringing to market are based on a new Class D amplifier technology called “Ncore”, as designed by Mola Mola founder Bruno Putzeys. Bruno claims that the design “runs rings […]
$1,400/pair. That’s what a pair of GoldenEar Triton Seven loudspeakers will cost you. Drivers are set in a D’Appolito array around a “High Velocity Folded Ribbon” (their description sounds a lot like AMT — not […]
I almost missed this, and shame on me for not spending more time drooling on this loudspeaker. Fact is, I found it early in the show and the room was packed. Yes, that was a […]
Avid introduced a sleek new turntable, the Ingenium, and at least in comparison with the vast majority of the ultrabling gear on display here in Las Vegas, this entry is downright affordable: $1,300!
Techno tour-de-force? Maybe so. The new Sonja 1.3 loudspeakers from YG Acoustics are certainly that. Offered at $106,800, the Sonja is carved from a solid block of aluminum. Okay, maybe not, but you’d be surprised […]
Can you blame me if my first thought is “Kronzilla!” every time I see a KR Audio logo? Would it be better or worse if I tell you that I always say that word in […]
Convergent Audio Technology (aka, “CAT” by just about everyone) sells the biggest, baddest, and most insane tube-based stereo amps … well, okay, maybe not, but if you add “that I’ve ever been tempted by”, that’d […]
Gato Audio showed some of the most visually striking gear at CES this year — and yes, I mean that in a good way. Shown with the monster Aerial 20T loudspeakers (wow!), the $8,000 AMP-150 […]
Last Fall, Ayre showed off their new AX-5 integrated amp in a room that, quite frankly, took my breath away. That gear showed up here, at CES, with a slight change — the new VX-5 […]
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