RMAF 2015: Coming Friday
This year marks the 12th Annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and my sixth trip out to Denver to catch all the fun. I’m finding it difficult grasp the idea that my first RMAF was that long ago and […]
This year marks the 12th Annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and my sixth trip out to Denver to catch all the fun. I’m finding it difficult grasp the idea that my first RMAF was that long ago and […]
Woo Audio offers a remarkably deep bench for those headphonistas interested in vacuum tube amplifiers. But when it comes to the 300b, arguably the finest audio tube the world has ever known, Woo Audio has only a couple […]
Transrotor, SME and Koetsu. I think it’s safe to say these are three of the top names in their respective fields of manufacture: turntables, tonearms and moving-coil cartridges. Just looking at the Fat Bob’s lines you […]
I had a great experience at Capital Audiofest this year, courtesy of Audio Note UK — a live presentation by Vincent Bélanger, accompanied by Vincent Bélanger played back over an all-Audio Note system. I thought it was […]
This was a surprise. The entire show. A surprise. And given that it seemed like it might not happen at all for a few months, the overall success was a stunner. Sound quality? WAY up. […]
The Sixth Annual Capital Audiofest was, according to my formal and scientifically rigorous polling, the best to date. Everyone I spoke with marveled at the sound that the intrepid were wringing out of their rooms […]
Audio Note UK has always been something of a surprise for me and they keep unravelling all of my expectations. When I “started” in high-end audio, I was warned about the Cult of Audio Note. That […]
It was probably my penultimate stop, and I’m sure I looked harried and more than a little frazzled, but Ofra Gershman of Gershman Acoustics was kind and failed to mention my “electric” hair-do, growling stomach and […]
There is always a risk, covering an audio show. A risk that someone will say something. Not mean, nasty or cutting — just something interesting. Or they’ll do something likewise interesting. Doesn’t sound so horrible, […]
Bill Hutchins, the Chief Designer of LKV Research, was showing off a lovely system anchored by his flagship products — the Line One linestage ($3,500) and the Veros One phono pre ($6,500). Bill told me […]
In all fairness to Technics, I don’t really think they ever went anywhere in particular, but perhaps us audiophiles can be forgiven for wondering what went wrong, where we sinned so grievously that they felt […]
One of the most exciting — and by “exciting”, I mean “most excitedly talked about” — was the room that Fern & Roby shared with Bettinger Audio Design/GAS Audio and Luminous Audio. The thing that got […]
Way off to the side, over near Odyssey and VPI, I found another awesome room. This one was stuffed. With people. All the time. It was annoying. Well, for me. But then, I’m fussy. I […]
Backert Labs is running a contest to name their next linestage. Submit your picks online for a chance to win one? Well, sure — sign me up! Their first offering is, as you may know, […]
Sometimes (okay, oftentimes), I get the feeling that the EMIA guys (Jeffrey Jackson and Dave Slagle) are just on a different project than I am. Like I’m somehow, and continuously, missing the point. It’s perplexing. They’re […]
When Art Powers of Madison-Fielding/PlanterSpeakers starts talking about pot, he’s not talking about smoking. I mean, I don’t think he is. Hmm. Okay, whatever. Let’s just say that what he’s usually talking about is planters. That is, containers […]
I spoke Sunday via email with Peter Qvortrup, head of Audio Note UK regarding a turntable photo that recently surfaced of what was being referred to online as the Audio Note UK “TT-3 .3 Reference” […]
One of my favorite moments at the Capital Audiofest this year happened courtesy of Robin Wyatt of Robyatt Audio. Robin had just popped up, ready to put on a new LP, when he caught sight […]
There was a lot going on in the Command Performance room at Capital Audiofest. The first thing to hit me as I walked in was power — the monster XL10 from Neat Acoustics was hitting […]
I have a thing for horns. Especially vintage-ish horns. They’re kind of hard to find these days, though you see a few here and there. Like Classic Audio Loudspeakers. The designer, John Wolfe, has been […]
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