CAS 2013: Audio Vision SF presents Dynaudio, BMC

CAS4Yet Another Audio Vision SF setup resided in a barely ventilated cube at the end of the hall. This setup centered on Dynaudio’s C2 Signature speakers ($15k), an impossible room, and really, really lousy air conditioning.

The BMC electronics driving the room included the BDCD spinner, the MCCI transimpedance phono stage, a CS2 amplifier ($8390), and the DAC1 PRE ($6290). Topping the HRS rack was a Clearaudio Ovation ($7500) fitted with a Lyra Kleos ($2750). Cables and power strips came from Nordost. Air conditioning came from Satan’s dryer vent.

Did I say it was an impossible room? I may have spoken too fast. While I may have felt the bass sounded better in the hallway, sitting down treated me to a very “hi-fi” presentation. Sure, the digital was remarkably easy to listen to. Sure, the Dynaudio way with space is lovely. Sure, the BMC amps sound clean. Sure… but the room was hot, a stereo is a stereo, and much-needed coffee was calling to me.

Revisiting the room turned out to have been a great idea. The only part of my notes that I can decipher say “QRP 45.” The BMC MCCI phono preamp seemed to bring the system to its feet, easily transforming a demo into something that I might sit around and listen to for an album side while entirely forgetting to take notes.