AXPONA 2012: Ejected from the Beauty of Sound

I felt a little like Adam, cast out of the Garden for his trespasses, but that’s pretty much what happened to me in the Beauty of Sound room. I respectfully asked for permission to take some pictures, received it, and began a very cautious circuit. I managed to get one pic, seen below, of a rather fine-sounding system. While setting up a second shot, this one of the electronics, a rather officious gentlemen asked me to clear the area. He said I was going to damage something and that I should just get out of there. So, I did.

About Scot Hull 1063 Articles
Scot started all this back in 2009. He is currently the Publisher here at PTA, the Publisher at The Occasional Magazine, and the Executive Producer at The Occasional Podcast. There are way too many words about him over on the Contributors page.


  1. I can vouch for that – Bill let me take pictures of the front of the speakers, close ups of the open baffle backs, and the minimal crossover (a cap on the tweet I believe). I also got close-ups of the Garrard restored turntable and that wicked arm that he had on it! My experience was very positive.

  2. I, the owner of Beauty Of Sound did give permission for closer photos to be taken, but the fellow that travelled with me was being very protective of my expensive gear, and overreacted. He asked if the photos could be taken from the front, instead of the side where there were speaker cables that one could have easily tripped over. I don’t think he ejected you or asked you to leave, however I apologize for him. I am a brand-new company and trying to make a mark on the industry and by no means have lots of money. I hope the next time you cover my room, it will be a more positive experience. Bill

    • Bill, thanks for the note. My apologies if my big fat feet carried me into unsafe territory. I look forward to hearing and seeing more from you all at future shows. For whatever it’s worth, the sound in here was great.

  3. Wow, what a great way to promote your products!
    None of the stuff is over the top (some is expensive but not when compared to other manufacturers). And you did ask for permission. Seems like these folks already have too much money if they don’t want to promote their products. How else are enthusiasts to get information on some products that they do not know about?

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