Munich 2022

Ictra Design | High End 2022

I normally don’t cover equipment racks at high-end audio shows, even though the MOC convention floor at High End 2022 in Munich was full of them. (Most of them were beautiful and intriguing and probably […]

Munich 2022

HiFi Rose | High End 2022

They came to Munich from all over the world just to turn a knob. That’s what I thought as I tried to get close enough to the new RA180 integrated amplifier from HiFi Rose for […]

Munich 2022

Totaldac in Munich | High End 2022

When I reviewed the Totaldac d100 loudspeakers last year, I felt they were a bit of an enigma–albeit a great-sounding one. Cutting-edge products from this French company are rarely spotted in the US–there’s no distributor/importer, […]

Munich 2022

High End 2022

As I write this, High End 2022 in Munich has just ended. I originally intended to start coverage today, but there’s a small problem. I have to get home first. From a high-end audio show […]