Montreal Audio Fest Video: Tidal loudspeakers with Karan Acoustics, Goldmund and Thales from Wynn Audio

Wynn Wong is a very unassuming guy, who has a big smile, quiet charm, and an infectious smile that instantly puts people at ease. Every time I checked out his room at the Salon Audio Montreal he was in animated conversation with a showgoer about some aspect of the system he’d put together to showcase the wares he represents out of his showroom near Toronto – Wynn Audio.

Tidal Sunray loudspeakers.
I’ve had the privilege of hearing Wong demo systems before, and this time it was just as compelling, musical, and engaging as the last. Not only does Wong put together systems that are carefully matched, curated, and meticulously set-up, he approaches building a kit with a holistic viewpoint. From source to transducer, Wong sees a component only as good as the one which precedes it in the signal path. He is very determined to please his customer base, and seems singleminded in his purpose to deliver the best sound possible within a client’s budget, and after spending some time with him, it’s easy to see why his method is gaining a following: it works. Wong puts together systems that speak to the listener in an organic, human, and most importantly musical vocabulary.

Koetsu Jade Platinum low-output moving-coil cartridge.
Easily one of my favourite rooms in Montreal, I’m looking forward to hearing what Wong puts together next in Chicago at AXPONA, and for TAVES in October.

–Rafe Arnott

Goldmund, Karan, Entreq, Thales, and Kotesu.
The system Wynn Audio had on display at Montreal consisted of the following:
Goldmund Eidos 36U+ CD Player – $48,000 CAN
Thales TTT-Compact II Turntable – $18,800 CAN
Thales Simplicity II Tonearm – $12,500 CAN
Karan Acoustics L MK3 Preamp – $13,000 CAN
Karan Acoustics Ph1 Phonostage –  $20,000 CAN
Karan Acoustics S 600 Stereo Amplifier – $40,000 CAN
TIDAL Audio Sunray – $185,000 CAN
Entreq Olympus Tellus – $12,000 CAN
Entreq Poseidon – $6,500 CAN

About Rafe Arnott 389 Articles
Editor of InnerFidelity and AudioStream


2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Montreal Audio Fest 2017 – Karan Acoustics, Goldmund, Thales, and TIDAL Audio – Wynn Audio
  2. Part-Time Audiophile AXPONA 2017: Karan Acoustics, Goldmund, Penaudio, Zensati and a parlour trick

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