Ideon Audio IΩN DAC Debuts | Announcements

Ideon Audio IΩN DAC

Ideon Audio has just announced the Ideon Audio IΩN DAC, which is situated between the Ayazi and Absolute lines. Here’s the official press release from Audio Skies:

The Ideon Audio IΩN DAC, with optional analog preamplifier utilizing trickle-down technologies and R&D gained, from extensive work with the flagship Absolute Epsilon DAC. Most of the Epsilon DAC’s innovations and designs are found in the IΩN in its own scale. As with all Ideon components, the IΩN DAC is a fully proprietary design, with audio technologies developed in-house. A bespoke handcrafted product housing an innovative combination of high-performance design features and best-of-breed quality components.

  • Cutting edge analog stage, with symmetrical ultra-low noise power supply – a unique topology not found in any other DACs.
  • High output impedance at -120 dB SNR, quad current output from DAC.
  • Two, zero-noise active bridges – an innovative design bringing noise from rectification to zero – another proprietary technology not available from other DAC brands.
  • Specially designed bespoke transformer with extreme core.
  • Upgradable modular DAC and USB input engine.
  • New in-house developed dedicated software for the ESS 9028PRO DAC chip (same as the Absolute E DAC). The upgradable chip firmware is developed by Ideon Audio in close cooperation with ESS.
  • Native support and playback for all DSD and PCM formats/frequency rates.
  • Proprietary Triple Distillation USB input: Noise Elimination. Conceived and designed in-house, the Ideon Audio Triple Distillation USB input (same as the Absolute’s Ε DAC) is a proprietary three-stage noise eradication circuit eliminating digital noise from the input signal. We have declared war on linear & non-linear distortion and noise! 
  • The new audio USB codec: ESS ES9080APRO (also in the Absolute ε DAC) used in our USB input module. A proprietary design deployed in our DAC. It’s the most current, state-of-the-art technology, with new codes reflecting today’s standards in comparison with similar 10 year old chips/technologies, most often used. In close cooperation with ESS, a custom firmware was developed specifically for our USB input engine, to implement our design principles. The result; amazing, practically zero jitter, extremely low noise, super-fast processing and extraordinary, natural sound quality.
  • A customized USB Audio 2.0 audio class driver developed for Windows. It’s optimized for low latency and low CPU load. Buffer depths can be adjusted to optimize settings for any given computer. The driver implements a transparent (bit-perfect) playback.

The IΩN + (optional high-quality analog preamplifier integrating pre-amp and DAC):

Proprietary in-house developed, software controlled analog potentiometers. A purist design ensuring transparent performance, practically zero signal path, very low-noise, extremely low harmonic distortion levels and great dynamics.

  • In-house designed – fully balanced design throughout.
  • In-house designed – ultra-low noise linear power supply.
  • Two balanced and unbalanced inputs
  • Gain range from -111.5dB to +15.5dB
  • Dynamic range 121 dB configuration
  • 0.0002% THD in balanced mono configuration

audio skies

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