Phasemation, Yukiseimitsu & Wolf Von Langa | Munich 2023


The Phasemation room was truly one of my favorites at High End 2023 in Munich this year, largely because it had such a classic Japanese sound that was truly unique in a crowded field. Phasemation has been ascendant as a brand in the last few years thanks to their very intriguing phono cartridges, but this Japanese company also has a full line of electronics that sound incredible–a pair of these monoblocks also distinguished the Rethm Maarga room at AXPONA in April.

Words and Photos by Marc Phillips

Phasemation was joined by two equally compelling brands, the Yukiseimitsu AP-01 turntable and Wolf Von Langa loudspeakers from Germany. I first saw the Yukiseimitsu turntable last year at the Munich show, and I immediately thought it was the coolest ‘table in Munich. That model, the AP-00, has just been replaced by the new AP-101, which features a more focused and mature design. The Wolf Von Langa WVL 12639 Son speakers are strange creatures with a field coil design and a unique tweeter that’s mounted on an acrylic board that makes it look like it’s floating in space.


Phasemation was also introducing their new flagship PP-5000 cartridge, which had an overall sound that was unbelievably precise and confident in the groove. The entire system, however, had a unique soundstage that reminded me of the first time I heard a VK Music system featuring Sunvalley amplification, AER speakers and a Sparkler Audio CD player. It’s a sound that pulls you inward until you’re immersed in an otherworldly and vaguely spherical image that informs you of everything that’s happening within the music.

This Phasemation system, however, is far more ambitious in its scope (it’s considerable more costly, of course), and it produces a steady flow of texture and meaning that is ultimately quite beautiful and intoxicating. This is the type of system that isolates you from the troubles in the world and lets you concentrate on the music that you love the most. Exquisite.


wolf langa

yuki ap-101





wolf lange

If you would like to hear even more coverage from Munich 2023, check out our recap report and highlights from our audiophile-oriented show The Occasional Podcast. You can stream the episode direct from the embed below, or from your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.

Also don’t forget to check out our latest collaboration – a solid bronze record weight available only for a limited run. This 800g of solid bronze features the PTA roundel on the top which also acts as a 45 adapter. You can purchase direct from the PTA Approved Store here on the site.