PureAudioProject 5th Anniversary, and Classic15 Launch Party at The VPI House


CLIFFWOOD, N.J. (PTA) — It all started with a facebook chat between Ze’ev Schlik (the founder of PureAudioProject) where he was personally inviting me to attend the PureAudioProject 5th Anniversary party and official launch of their new Classic 15 loudspeaker. The Classic15 debuted in prototype form earlier this year at Axpona 2019. The event was to be hosted by VPI Industries at their new off-site location — the VPI House. At first thought attending a party of this kind sounds like a no-brain’er, however there are geographical issues that need tending to.

Words and Photos by Eric Franklin Shook

For one, I live in North Carolina, for the second, the VPI House is located in New Jersey. For a one-day-event, that’s almost ten-hours of driving — each way. With some quick internet browsing I found an affordable airline ticket to Newark and it was done. Here I was, just two days away from an early AM flight to New Jersey, with a late PM return to North Carolina. In between it all, a VPI House party. This should be a cakewalk.

The VPI House

Once arrived at the VPI House, I take task to exploring the house and making a mental inventory of the rooms and systems at hand. I know that Harry and Mat Weisfeld are also owner of various configurations of PureAudioProject models like the Quintet15 and Trio15 loudspeakers. With that in mind, I’m not surprised to find four fully-equipped listening rooms with Classic15, Quintet15, Quintet10 and Trio10 loudspeakers. The bevy configured with PAP-Horn1, Voxativ AC-1.6, AC-PiFe and AC-X2 Field Coil drivers. Investigating further, I find a variety of amplifiers, from low-power SE tube, to high-end Class-A solid-state, incl. the PassLabs XA-160.8 mono-blocks. Of course VPI turntables abound with multiple arms and cartridges applied.

The star of the show however is the new Classic15 of which is half of the reason for this party. To celebrate the launching of such an exciting new type of loudspeaker for PureAudioProject. The Classic15 is a new “ready-out-of-the-box” open-baffle loudspeaker that is an implementation of the highly regarded Trio15 Voxativ, but in a new and unique design.

The Classic15 comes in two configurations; with either a Voxativ AC-1.6 or the wooden cone AC-PiFe full-range drivers. Both models feature PureAudioProject’s series first-order ‘Leonidas’ crossovers, and a rated sensitivity of 96db. As with other PureAudioProject models, the Classic15 is an easy match with high-end solid-state Class-A amplifiers, as well as the low-power tube variety.

I’ve had many encounters with PureAudioProject open-baffle loudspeakers at audio shows, where they do well to impress. Here at the VPI House, my suspicions are confirmed. The PureAudioProject loudspeakers are as versatile as I expected. Each system plays the given room with an easy nature, blending well with each listening space, and doing everything better than before given the more natural in-home architecture.

The new Classic15 at the time of this article is available for limited pre-order, and shipped during October, and you save $1,000 USD. After the pre-order period Classic15 with AC-1.6 will sell for $7,990 USD and Classic15 with AC-PiFe for $9,990 USD


The new Classic15 is a beast! No matter what room I’ve heard a Trio15-based speaker in, it succeeds. The new “ready-to-run” Classic15 model only makes diving head-first into the open-baffle arena that much easier. Be it on the Pass Labs mono-blocks, or the experimental Class-D unit we swapped in, the Classic15 displayed the changing amplifier characteristics with well developed grace.

When I initially began touring the VPI House, I was excited to find two small rooms with Quintet10 and Trio10 based systems. The Trio10 being the smallest with only two 10-inch drivers per channel, and relatively compact baffles, might — under visual estimations — seem too small to perform like the larger 15-inch models. However, I am thrilled to report that the Quintet10 and Trio10 might be the most underrated open-baffle loudspeakers on the market. The Trio10 in particular impressed me so, as it’s small footprint and slender stature did not diminish the musical scale of the sonic picture painted by the system. Lightning fast bass, powerful dynamics, and depth billowed out from and around from the small Trio10’s much like they do for the larger 15-inch models, and the occasional thunderstorm. Remarkably impressive showing by PureAudioProject and The VPI House.

The Party (photos)