T.H.E. Show Day 1 | THE SHOW 2023


The drive down from the valley of Los Angeles to the lower section of the city (usually categorized as the infamous “OC”) can be quite a slog on a Friday. Having attended nearly every LA Audio show in the past 10 years, that trip has become one that look to avoid my any means necessary. So this year for The Home Entertainment Show (abbreviated T.HE. Show) I decided to head down early on what is traditionally setup day for most manufacturers, which happened to fall on a Thursday this year.

Words and Photos by Brian Hunter 

The above photo is considered to be very light (in terms of traffic) for that trek, but no less dusty or smoggy than the image filter we have incorporated here implies. Due to podcasting and other responsibilities, full written coverage like you have come to expect from the most excellent Marc Phillips and PTA writing team will have to be toned down a bit, but I was able to snag a few snaps from setup day to give you a sense of how things were shaping up in the new location at the Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa this year.

Overall the vibes were upbeat and optimistic for the show, and out-of-towners were very much enjoying the sunny and 72 degree weather that Costa Mesa had to offer. Show runner Emiko Carlin hosted an industry get-together later in the day, which also featured T.H.E. Show president Maurice Jung who was recovering from some health issues just a few weeks ago. It was great to see them both up in action again, friendly and charismatic as they always are.

More to come as things unfold, stay tuned for more imagery from the event – including a wrap up THE SHOW 2023 podcast due out early next week. We will also be posting video content of room coverage on our Facebook Reels page and brand new TikTok feed.

More info: THE SHOW 2023

About Brian Hunter 129 Articles
Brian Hunter is the host of The Occasional Podcast by Part-Time Audiophile and the founder of Audio-Head.com.