Audio Chamber, Credo, Meitner, Van den Hul, VPI Industries, Balanced Audio Technology, Audioshield | THE Show 2022

John McGurk of Audioshield Distribution and Jonathan Ellis of Audio Chamber of Murrieta CA, were showing Credo, Meitner and all of his other great brands at Long Beach this year, and they sounded as spry as ever.

Words by Grover Neville

The small Credo EV 350 monitor speakers were putting out an astonishingly controlled and punchy bass performance, alongside the Meitner MA-3 DAC/Streamer, which I have a review of forthcoming. As always, smooth, coherent and absent of harshness were the name of the game in this room. Surprisingly, no room treatment was at play, but the room was still getting satisfying, engaging sound.

System Components and Pricing

  • Credo EV 1202 Reference Custom Shop Rough Cut Finish loudspeakers – $19,995/pair
  • Credo EV 350 Reference loudspeakers – $7,000/pair
  • Meitner MA3 Integrated D/A Processor/Streamer with Volume Control – $10,500
  • VPI Industries Prime Signature Rosewood turntable – $9250
  • Van den Hul Grail Phono Stage – $8995
  • Van den Hul Frog Cartridge – $3520
  • Balanced Audio Technology VK-80i Integrated Amplifier – $9995


  1. All these articles are amazing but too far from an amateur budget also if I like Hi End

    • We report on what the manufacturer decides to exhibit. Sometimes they exhibit the entry level, but most of the time not.

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