Acora Acoustics, Ampsandsound, Lampizator, Thrax, Audio Research, Dynavector | THE Show 2022

Regular readers will know by now that Dave McNair, myself and the rest of the PTA Team have an enormous amount of respect and appreciation for Acora Acoustics and founder Valerio Cora, who is perhaps one of the most eagle-eared designers in the industry. Acora Acoustics granite speakers are the real deal.

Words and Photos by Grover Neville

At THE Show in Long Beach two of our favorite companies were showing together – Justin Weber of Ampsandsound was showing his Flagship Zion Monos, accompanied by Acora SRB speakers, Lampizator Pacific DAC, and a VAC linestage.

The little system sounded spectacular, even better than the combination of Bryce amplifiers and SRB speakers that I’d been living with a few weeks before the show. Extremely alive and startlingly clean and lively in the midrange. Despite being pulled out from the wall and in a relatively large room compared to their size they put out plenty of super clean and fast decibels.

The other system was showing off another Lampizator Pacific, and an all Audio Research system with the Acora SRC-2 speakers. Having heard these many times at various shows and more than a few times in Dave McNair’s mastering studio, I continue to be impressed by these beasts. The room was a challenge, but this system was probably the most consistently good sounding room I encountered, and frequency response was even across a variety of tracks. Low end was tight and impactful, and these speakers filled the room with complete ease. Dynamics were, as always with Acora, lightning fast and explosive – probably the best and most consistently excellent sound at the show.

System Components and Prices

  • Acora Acoustics SRC-2 loudspeakers – $37,000/pair
  • Acora Acoustics SRB Loudspeakers – $15,000
  • Acora Acoustics SRS-G Stands – $5,000
  • Ampsandsound Zion Monoblocks – $24,000/pair
  • Aurender N30SA – $24,000
  • LampizatOr Pacific DAC – $23,500
  • Audio Research REF 6SE Linestage – $18,000
  • Audio Research Reference 160M Monoblock Amplifiers – $34,000/pair
  • Thrax Yatrus Turntable – $16,500
  • Thrax CB Tonearm – $5,500
  • Dynavector DRT Xv-1t – $ 9,450