Wavetouch Audio | T.H.E. SHOW 2019


LOS ANGELES (PTA) — Wavetouch Audio was showing a small, and slightly underlit, stereo system that in many ways tugged at my heart strings. Also showing, electronic components from Bakoon Audio.


The Story

There is a special place in my heart for small monitor companies, even more so if they have a history of use in recording studios. The Wavetouch Audio Antero Speakers are a small two-way loudspeaker with a combination of rather unique waveguides and phase devices that help create a unique listening experience. The aim of the Wavetouch technology is to eliminate (or transform) the way the room interacts with the sound output of the loudspeaker. How it works is to focus the direct soundwaves of the drivers directly towards the listener, in the hopes that with proper loudspeaker placement and attention to room boundaries that the sum of reflected sounds from walls will be greatly reduced and late arriving to the listener. One could try to combat these same issues with room treatments, but with that comes over-damping and loss of acoustical-energy-output from the loudspeakers. In essence, why throw away that acoustical-energy when you can instead focus it.

Also on display from Wavetouch were a gaggle of loudspeaker, interconnect, and power cables. I am not sure if it was a show special, but it was printed on literature that every purchase of the Antero speakers included a 3ft pair of Wavetouch interconnects.


Amplifying the whole affair was an integrated amplifier from Bakoon Audio of Japan. The Bakoon Audio AMP-7511A is a Class-A/B integrated (or power) amplifier that is rated at up to 24-Watts per channel into 8-Ohms. It includes two stereo RCA inputs, two SATRI LINK (BNC) connection inputs, and a single-ended headphone output. The AMP-7511A was designed as anniversary model that is culmination of SATRI circuit design techniques. More can be read about the SATRI circuit and linking method HERE.

The Sound

With only 24-Watts of Bakoon Class-A/B power on hand, the little Wavetouch Antero’s sung a beautiful song. The focused nature of the sound, did indeed nearly eliminate the room. As I stood and walked around to listen off axis, the perceived volume of the system dropped dramatically, which to my mind adds up to all of the acoustic energy described above being delivered to the sweet spot. I returned to my center seat and found that the Antero speakers didn’t have to work hard to deliver sound directly to me. The 24-Watts was more than ample to create an exciting listen. In fact, when I had control of the volume knob, I went down to low levels and found that nothing was missing information wise.


The System

Wavetouch Audio

– Antero Speaker – $4,800 pr USD

– Interconnect (3ft) – $1,200 pr USD

– Speaker Cable (8ft) – 1,800 pr USD

– Power Cord (5ft) – $1,500 pr USD

– 3.5mm to RCA (3ft) – $1,200 USD

– Digital Cable (5ft) – $900 USD

Bakoon Audio

– AMP-7511A Integrated Power Amplifier – $4,999 USD

1 Comment

  1. I am glad that someone else has finally come around to singing the praises of Wavetouch speakers.

    I have been impressed with their speakers since the first time I heard them at THE Show in Newport some years ago.

    They seem quite accurate, and their imaging is quite impressive. Great technology.

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