Newport 2015: Perla Audio


THEShow_LOGO2015There aren’t many manufacturers that offer a soup-to-nuts system approach. McIntosh and Linn come to mind. Naim is up there. GamuT has been edging in on it for a while.

Little Perla Audio hasn’t been around long, but their line is almost as complete — and more weirdly esoteric. I enthused about their analog system last year, so I was delighted to see another analog system this year. The speakers were their familiar, aluminum-ingot, PRS-2 ($5,850 per pair). The Maestro handled line preamp duties for the Motiff phono-pre ($3,500 each), and the poweramps were the spanking-new, Righello monoblocks ($9,000 each). The sound was, if anything, better than last year’s — quicker, quieter, clearer, and meatier.

But excellence in sound is only a small part of why I love insane audio. Fortunately, the Perla guys cover the rest of the bases, too.

Just look at that front end! That’s a double-platter Lenco with a custom chassis milled to match the Perla gear. That’s a rewired oddity of an Abis tonearm. That cartridge? Perla knows metal, so that’s a Perla-modified Denon 103 with a machined body and new damping (you can get one for dirt cheap). It’s probably the first time I’ve heard a 103 that didn’t have any obvious trace of Denon grain. This kind of thing is supposed to be the bailiwick of anachro-fetish tube-o-philes and steampunk sympathizers. Seeing it paired with ultra-sleek, ultra-modern solid state? It’s mindboggling.

The whole system sounded so perfectly balanced at 6pm on Saturday that I didn’t even ask for specs on the gear. Instead, I gawked and gawped at those cartridge bodies while nerding out over the distressingly encyclopedic analog lore locked up inside of this brain trust.

These guys really are on to something. Check them out.

Proud to sponsor Part-Time Audiophile and The Audio Traveler at THE Show in Newport 2015!






1 Comment

  1. The cartridges in the Perla room are made by Paradox, a division of Perla if you like. The Pulse Guard phono cartridge uses a Denon 103 based motor and then is pure Paradox. Lead shot is used through out the body and internally with the motor, almost all of the plastic bits are gone, then full electronic epoxy encapsulation, $400- each matched channel cartridges. The Denon motor is incredible so why start from scratch. There is also a DIY body $60- version for those that have Denon’s already. For more information: Thanks Terence

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