Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Audio Note UK

by Rafe Arnott The Audio Note UK room at the 2015 Vancouver Audio Show was my favorite, hands down, and David Cope, this time teaming up with Warren Jarrett from SMAudio in Fullerton, did not […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Von Gaylord Audio

by Rafe Arnott Von Gaylord Audio was showing off a complete system at Newport Beach this year, from DAC to speakers, to cabling, Von Gaylord represented with their top-notch tube-amplifier designs and weighty, heavy-duty construction. […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Acapella and Audio Note

By Rafe Arnott “The [Acapella] Atlas offers an extraordinarily open and transparent sound in a more compact home loudspeaker system.” Uh, compact? These speakers are over six-feet tall and weigh in around 350 lbs apiece, […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Lounge Audio

Robert Morin of Lounge Audio is a bad man. Here we are, basically done with the process of reviewing his $300, MM-only, LCR MKIII phono preamp (Spoiler Alert: it makes a hash out of any […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Schiit Audio

Schiit‘s Jason Stoddard, past Writer of the Future, smiles almost too easily these days. The Schiit machine has been spitting out winning products with an alarming regularity. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Boulder

By Rafe Arnott Boulder has always been a manufacturer I’ve been interested in. Sadly, my wallet has zero interest in them because they are just too far out of reach, hence my ears were piqued to […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Triangle Art

by Rafe Arnott Triangle Art turntables are not for the faint of heart, or pocketbook. Walking into their room at T.H.E. Show is like walking into what I imagine turntable heaven looks like. If you’re religious […]

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Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: HiFiMAN

HiFiMan is a terrible pain in the neck. Without HiFiMan, we might have had an easy run over the last few years. Internet people might have come together to decide that Audeze or Stax were […]