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Newport Beach 2014

Newport 2014: Klaudio gets fancy and quiet

It looks like the ultrasonic record cleaner is here to stay, and Klaudio had a booth in the Hilton Marketplace to demonstrate some newfound flexibility for their $4000 machine. First up was a new auto-loader […]

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Newport Beach 2014

Newport 2014: Schiit Faced

One of the first stops at these shows has to be a visit to the Schiitheads. It’s just mandatory. Whether or not they’ve brought new toys, these guys manage to pretend to be down to […]

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Newport Beach 2014

Newport 2014: Off to the races

Don’t they all look so happy? Our esteemed publisher and editor told a long story about how his travel plans went awry. He made it seem like he had some intention of covering the opening […]

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Newport Beach 2014

Newport 2014: Big Bad Woo Audio

Woo Audio, the New York-based company focusing on the high-end of the “personal audio” space, is renowned for creating something of an oasis at regional audio shows. It’s a bit of a cheat, really, since Woo […]