Triangle Art | PAF 2023

It seems like it’s been a long time–pre-Covid?–since I’ve visited Tom Vu in his Triangle Art room. Triangle Art is located in my hometown of Anaheim, California, so I always have to ask Tom about life in the shadow of Disneyland. But I also love seeing his turntables–they’re among the fairest of them all.

Words and Photos by Marc Phillips

The last time I visited a Triangle Art room, I think Tom had just added phono cartridges to his product line. I’ve been vaguely aware that he’s also expanded into speakers and electronics over the last few years, and I have yet to hear the full Triangle Art system experience. While I’ve always been a fan of Triangle Art turntables, I do believe he’s taken his vision to a whole new level with this holistic approach.

triangle art

But first I have to tell you a story about a clumsy audio reviewer who wandered into an exhibit room full of expensive turntables and got too close to the rack as he walked across the front of the system while snapping photos. He made the cartridge skip repeatedly–all in front of a crowded and amused room. The ground floors of the DoubleTree SeaTac felt like concrete slab with thick carpet at first step, but oh no, they were suspended. After making a complete fool of myself in the Triangle Art room, I turned to Tom and said, “Hope that’s not a rare album.” It might have been. Dang it.

paf 2023

After apologizing profusely, I sat down for a listen. This new, complete approach to Triangle Art, as I mentioned, is a step forward for time. This is a warm sound, somewhat soft even, but in the most appealing way. It’s the kind of classic tube sound that makes you say ah, the gloriousness of tubes, and then you tell everyone how you were never ever a solid state person in the first place. At the same time I heard plenty of texture and depth in the low frequencies, and the highs were delicate and spacious. This wasn’t the type of sound that comes from big wooden horns, either–the Triangle Art system sounded great off-axis, and the soundstage remained intact as I walked around the room. On my tiptoes, of course.

Bravo, Tom! And sorry about the record.

triangle art

pacific audio fest

triangle art

paf 2023

triangle art


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