Genesis, The Wand, Heed and Much More | PAF 2023


If it seems like I’ve included a lot of photos from Genesis Advanced Technologies room, that’s because it was a big room with a lot going on. There were two separate systems being rotated during the 2023 Pacific Audio Fest–one featuring Gary Koh’s new flagship Prime+ speakers, and a second system on the other side that featured Gary’s upcoming G7 line of speakers, which will start at just $8K/pr.

Words and Photos by Marc Phillips

That latter side of the room was populated with some of my best friends of the industry including Bob Clarke from Profundo, Simon Brown from The Wand and, of course, Gary himself. Gary was quite busy, of course, manning a room that was showing off his new flagship as well as his new entry level speakers. And while the Primes were certainly magnificent in every conceivable away, it was the Genesis G7 One two-ways that I wanted to steal and take home with me.

That smaller Genesis system had extraordinary appeal for me–Heed Audio Thesis electronics, The Wand 14.5 turntable with Simon’s new tonearm that I witnessed in Munich, and Goldenberg cartridges, all which have their own buzz going right now.

genesis prime

I’ll be realistic for a moment–most show attendees at PAF 2023 were there to see the Genesis Advanced Technologies Prime +, a massive four-tower loudspeaker system that retails for $680,000/pr USD. That price seems impossible at first until you stroll among the speakers and feel like you’ve taken a sudden detour into Sequoia National Forest. The Genesis Prime + is one of those speaker systems that deliver every single thing you want/need them to deliver–except for portability. (I’m not getting these into my apartment in the city without a couple of sticks of dynamite.)

g7 entry level

That’s why the Genesis G7 line is so alluring. I love Gary Koh’s speakers, and it’s nice that he’s scaling down the size while still preserving all of the strengths that make Genesis Advanced Technologies a mainstay at the top of Loudspeaker Mountain. I definitely bugged Gary about a review of the Genesis Advanced Technologies G7 Ones, and I’m crossing my fingers.

the wand




g7 one prototype

heed audio

the wand

genesis advanced technologies


gary koh


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