TROY Audio, Thrax Audio, Schroeder | RMAF 2019

Troy RMAF 2019

DENVER (PTA) — Troy Audio, along with Thrax Audio electronics, and a Frank Schroeder turntable comprised a simple, but hulking system. The only thing larger than the refrigerator sized loudspeakers in the room is the hotel we’re in.

Sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019 coverage sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V

Troy RMAF 2019

The Story

What looks to me like four identical enclosures, double-reverse stacked (don’t try imagining that), with four 16-inch woofers is truly awe inspiring. The Troy Audio Hellena MK II loudspeakers are gorgeous creations, featuring some of the best looking veneers and finishing at the show.

The upper enclosures features a single Great Plains Audio 604-8E alnico coaxial driver that is based on the iconic Altec 604-E. Above that and off to the left — or right — as these are mirror image pairs, a brass horn alnico super tweeter, and above that a slot port. On the bottom of things, what looks to be the same cabinet as above with the slot port now at the bottom. Loaded in the front of the lower cabinet, another Great Plains Audio driver, but this time, only a woofer.

Troy RMAF 2019

These massive enclosures are as you might imagine, capable of producing great volumes of air movement, as further qualified by their >100db rated sensitivity. The vertically stacked enclosures together are nearly 5-feet tall, and total well over 300lbs in weight. The Hellena MK II loudspeakers are available with optional outboard crossovers for $120,000 pr USD, and in a standard configuration with internal crossovers for $80,000 pr USD.

Troy RMAF 2019

The system comprised of a Frank Schroeder turntable with a familiar SoundSmith cartridge, conjoined to a complete stack of Thrax Audio electronics. The room, dark and moody. Much like a movie theater without the screen. This aesthetic kind of works with these speakers as this is the first time I’ve seen them outside of a tiny sleeping-room sized exhibit space. They are well lit and their size and beautiful finishing are on full display against the perfect dark background.

Troy RMAF 2019

The Sound

With room to breath, and a volume knob that can easily reach for higher levels, the Hellena MK II speakers present a large and soulful stage. They sound like high-efficiency speakers with subtle focused-horn attributes.

Compared to the smaller spaces I’ve heard them in at previous shows, the treble no longer seems as hot, and the imaging much better with real space between the speakers. The end result is, if you love elegantly large vintage designs that have true high-end appeal, add these to your list.

Sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019 coverage sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V


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