New York 2014: Tweak Studio brings the toys


Legacy_at_NY_Audio_Show_2014It’s pretty much impossible to not love Arnold Martinez of Tweak Studio of Chicago. Look up the word “irrepressible”, and Arnold will be the guy looking over your shoulder laughing with you. He’s always laughing. You get the feeling that he likes what he’s doing, and there’s nothing like a party audio show to bring out the grins.

Arnold, very astutely, uses the audio show circuit as a sales venue — he brings and loads a table or three with some of the affordable brands he represents (Bellari, Carot One, and more), and lets you browse while he chats. Given how absurdly personable the fellow is, it’s a joy — and quite frankly, his taste in gear is excellent.

Case in point — Torus Power. Torus, the audiophile brand of the company that makes the monstrously huge Plitron transformers, uses those transformers to create power conditioning/distribution systems that feature high-current delivery with noise suppression, filtering, surge protection and more. For fun, I tried lifting the box shown below, only to discover its made from the same stuff as Mjölnir. No worries, it was nothing a protracted hospital stay (in traction) didn’t fix. The “problem” of power delivery is a pervasive one and something I’ve been struggling with for years. Finding something that can “help” my power-hungry power amps is still on my to-do list — Torus has come up more than once. At this point, I’m wondering if Torus’ “All In One” system (it’s a freakin’ power sub panel with conditioning built-in!) might help me wipe these issues out entirely. Ha!



About Scot Hull 1063 Articles
Scot started all this back in 2009. He is currently the Publisher here at PTA, the Publisher at The Occasional Magazine, and the Executive Producer at The Occasional Podcast. There are way too many words about him over on the Contributors page.